Cities: Skylines II crashing frequently on Core i9-14900K

Cities: Skylines II is implemented using the Unity game engine. The most recent patch to the CS2 program uses low-level, optimized code features that causes some CPU cores [especially Core i9-14900K] to branch into a failure path resulting in what is known as a crash to desktop. If the program is allowed to operate across all cores, one or two of the performance cores may cause a fault. Prior to the BIOS update [Intel 0x12b fix] when P-core 4 and 5 were manually disabled, the browsers did not exhibit tab faults - whatever was causing these faults may still crash CS2. Also, [prior to the BIOS update] when Software Protection [sppsvc.exe] was allowed to run on P-cores 4 and 5, a blue screen [Windows 11] OS crash would result.

The test system is a recent Core i9-14900K 24-core [32 logical processors] with the latest BIOS and a 4080 GPU. I have been successful in minimizing the more frequent crashing in the latest CS2 patch [1.2.0f1] by setting the 'Cities2.exe' process affinity to avoid using P-cores 4 & 5 [plus their logical pair 12 & 13]. I was able to build a stable-running city with a population of 1.2 million. Here is the advanced command string in my launch properties:

C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c start /affinity ffffcfcf "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Cities Skylines II\Cities2.exe" %command%

Of course, the affinity mask can be customized. [YMMV]


V-Twin study

Visualizing the geometry and sound of a Harley-Davidson v-twin engine: p5.js sketch. Run this animated sketch at the slowest speed and observe that the flywheel mass pushes each cylinder through compression, without direct assistance from the power stroke. Also, the longer exhaust period of 405 degrees is produced by the left (rear) cylinder.


Mechanical circuits

spintronics simulator: simulator.spintronics.com?linkID=1564
sim code: github.com/upperstory/spintronics-simulator


Strategic search

If we divide a circle into 360 equal angles, we end up with one degree incremental vectors in which we can look around ourselves on a planar surface. When we misplace something, we can head off in 360 different directions. If we then allow for up and down angles of equivalent size, then for the sphere surrounding us at every moment, there are 41,253 directions we can look. Given all these options, we must choose wisely.

Technically, the number of directions is computed from A=4πr² where r=360/2π. [Square degree]


Two timing twin tuplets

A rare temporally numeric occurrence is about to happen two days from now.
month: 02
day: 22
hour: 22
minute: 22
second: 22
millisecond: 222
Almost like an astronomical event, but human made.


Window size

A simple window size reporter which runs in modern browsers (and even those back to Safari 5 and IE 6). Additionally, the browser agent string is displayed and if feasible, a simple canvas animation. Click here to launch in a new window.

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